On January 7, OPTIMUM may force KTLA off your line-up, and important programming you pay for could disappear!
Important facts and options you should consider:
What’s going on?
OPTIMUM is playing games, putting you, their customer, in the middle. OPTIMUM has a contract with KTLA that allows them to bring you our programming. If that contract expires, and OPTIMUM refuses our offer of fair value, they will discontinue delivering KTLA local news and CW network programs, including ACC Men’s and Women’s Basketball, All American, Wild Cards, and much more. You lose, while still paying to see us each month.
Who’s to blame? OPTIMUM tells me it’s your fault!
Don’t believe it: Our offer is both fair and based on the importance you place on our local and CW network programs. And with all the new CW shows approaching in coming weeks, you miss out.
Do I have any options? Absolutely!!
– First, we urge you to reach out to OPTIMUM and let them know you’re frustrated. Here’s their number: 888-276-5255. And while you have them on the phone, ASK FOR A REBATE IF YOU LOSE KTLA 5